Having trouble re-emerging into the market? Do you think your business looks and feels a bit ‘stale’? What can you do? Bouncing back after Covid-19 doesn’t need to be difficult, I can help.
Here are some useful thoughts:
I worried too!
Before the lockdowns business for Salient was good. Beyond a few regular ‘tweaks’ I felt nothing needed to change, people were still expressing interest and buying my courses and sessions.
Then Covid came and people were furloughed, projects were put on ice, work slowed and, in some areas, stopped. Why would people invest in Salient offers when they had no idea when they would be able to get a return on their investment? It became difficult to promote something which had become of less perceived immediate value to the markets.
Does this sound familiar to you?
I felt I had a choice of three ways forward:
- Try and continue selling to a significantly smaller active market
- Put everything on ice; try and ride-the-storm
- Or, could I try some more lateral thinking?
Did I still want to have a business at the end of this? YES!

Therefore, I needed to focus on two key tasks:
- Maintain a profile, and
- Develop some additional and attractive new offers.
Maintaining profile is comparatively straight forward with social media and on-line networking.
Developing new additional offers was more difficult. Many planning sessions, business analysis and key-person discussions, produced some useful ideas to add to the Salient offers:
- Live-On-Line courses and sessions (LOL!)
- Recorded courses and modules: my full sales programme on video in modular form,
(- available from the new and upgraded salientsales.co.uk website).
- Group workshops – brainstorming, structured or unstructured, ‘Inspiration to Action’
- One-to One Coaching Sessions – more structured and goal orientated
- Extra high-level modules for corporate courses and programmes
- Salient Gems – weekly videoed tips and ideas to help you sell more.
These would also prove to be valuable for when businesses re-emerged from hibernation.
I have completed 80% of the above. Already, interest levels are good, and sales have started.
So, if you’re having trouble bouncing back after Covid, consider teaming up with Salient Sales & Training, let us help you to streamline that adjustment period.
What’s next?
This is my story. If you need help to generate ideas for your business, and to develop processes to see them through, then please be in touch. I offer guidance and mentoring to help ensure their success.
You can click HERE to contact us. Or why not connect on social media so you’ll be first to access offers, quick tips and new courses as we release them: Facebook, Linkedin & Twitter!