What do I mean by inward investment?
Yesterday morning I attended the Thames Valley Chamber, Swindon Business & Economy Breakfast. The presenter, Rhys Herbert, economist at Lloyds Bank, spoke at length about the state of the economy and painted a future showing slow improvement over 3 to 5 years.
He identified one of the main drivers of the speed of recovery as inward investment, the lack of which is too prevalent in this country.

When things get tough in the UK, inward investment slows or even stops completely. I have written about this before, noting that middle and far-east countries will invest in, and train their staff during a recession.
That way, when the economy improves, they are at the top of their game and well placed to win a good share of business. Not so in the UK I’m afraid, as was confirmed by Mr. Herbert.
Invest in yourself with appropriate training or coaching and you can return to the top of your game. Growing your business as the economy improves is the best win-win you can get.
However, without such inward investment, others will likely overtake you and your future success may be in jeopardy.
When did you last invest in your skill set?
What’s Next?
At Salient Sales & Training, we offer both team as well as 1-to-1 sales and technical sales training. Get in touch today, so we can discuss your goals for growth.