How to attract new business


Are you attractive?

Whoever said ‘you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression’ made a very important observation.

Even if we consider ourselves open-minded and non-judgemental, sometimes we cannot help ourselves.  We can simply look at a person and decide they are not the sort with whom we could work, or who are not the type to want what we are offering.

We all know not to ‘judge a book by its cover’, but the sub-conscious is very powerful and can even over-ride our rational and fair approach to engaging with strangers.  Our subconscious makes around 70% of our decisions for us, compared with the rational thought processes that achieve just 30%.

If someone does not look right, act right, say the right things, even dress the right way, then our subconscious will sense this mismatch, this discomfort, and will develop persuasive arguments not to engage with them.  They will not succeed in attracting us to their business.

So, we must try and avoid allowing our subconscious to take over in this way.  We should remember that everyone has a story to tell; an experience to share.  Never judge a book by its cover!

The other side of this ‘coin’ is just as important.  Whoever we are and however we wish to present ourselves, are we succeeding in attracting as many prospects as possible?  Do WE look right, do we say the right things, do we act as we should?  In short, does the way we present ourselves meet or exceed our prospects’ expectations?  If the answer is ‘no’ then we risk undermining our sales proposition before we have even made contact!

We should consider how others see us; it does matter!  Personal presentation matters, and if we get it right, we have the best chance of impressing our prospective customers with our products or services.  If we get it wrong, success is far less likely.

If you are interested in hearing more about this and how to attract more business, register for the Salient Workshop ‘The 5 Powers of Attraction’ click on this link:Salient Events.

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